Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Dad's Thoughts Corner

My dad's thoughts on a recent picture of Heidi Montag(The Hills): "Are you sure that is Heidi, she doesn’t look anything like her…the last cycle of work has left her rather vanilla and now the album & the surgeons have left her broke! How long will Spencer stand for this $ loss…at least she can still hit the pole in Vegas"

My dad still announces games for W.T. Woodson. He does girls basketball and the guys lacrosse games. A couple of years ago a street near Long Branch decided to put in 2 huge speed bumps. That street is El James Drive. They put one speed bump at the bottom of the hill and one at the top of it. It really is a little too much. My dad has started a tradition that everytime he comes home from a game, he tosses an empty Diet Coke out the window at the bottom of the hill as he goes over the speed hump. I recently took El James the other day to see this and there is a huge graveyard of Diet Cokes. It's just one of the many things that makes me laugh!